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Burningham Bees

Honey: Mother Nature's Miraculous Gift

Raw and unfiltered honey is an amazing golden gift from nature. Not only is it delicious, but the benefits to good health are well-documented. Raw honey is a powerful and important antioxidant, it helps to boost the immune system, and it promotes better digestion – among other things.

Raw honey is packed with health promoting enzymes and vitamins and minerals. Many honey lovers report that the consumption of local, raw honey helps to treat seasonal allergies. Eating raw honey is an essential part of promoting a healthy lifestyle. No wonder we at Burningham Bees have fallen in love with HONEY!

Learn More

Can Be Found Here:

  • Salt Lake Downtown Farmers Market – Pioneer Park
  • Murray Farmers Market – Murray Park – 200 E. 5200 S.
  • South Jordan Farmers Market – 1600 W. Towne Center Dr.


“My first stop at the Farmer’s Market is Burningham Bees’ honey table. Their honey is always so sweet and so delicious. I would never miss it. “- Mandy Johnson

three jars of honey with a bear on top and a touch of sweetness product
A honey dip being poured into a glass bowl
Contact Information
East Center Street, Utah 84010, United States
Owner Information
A beekeeper in protective gear holding a beehive
Ross Burningham
Owner & Beekeeper

Ross Burningham fell in love with bees when he was just seven years old. In 1968 Ross’ father placed their first four bee boxes on their peach and apple tree lot in Bountiful, Utah.

Ross remembers the fun and excitement of pulling their first honeycomb from the hive. It was sticky and sweet, and since then Ross’ fascination and appreciation for nature’s busiest little creatures has been manifest in his love for beekeeping.

In observing bees, Ross has often thought, “If only we were like bees … hard working, and perfectly unified as a community, always preparing the best future for the next generation.”

Line drawing of a broccoli headLine drawing of an eggplant