Utah's Own Logo

Tres Enterprises, Inc

Your Grocery Store – Te Ahorra!

Can Be Found Here:

  • Rancho Markets across Utah
Contact Information
993 800 North, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116, United States
Owner Information
Eli Madrigal

Madrigal grew up in Mexicali, Baja California, along the U.S.-Mexican border. She undertook her first entrepreneurial pursuit at about 7 years old, collecting and recycling bottles. The profit went to buying Madrigal, her mother and two siblings an ice cream each weekend.

When she moved to California at 15, she made a promise to herself that she would work hard and not take moving to the U.S. for granted. That promise translated to her working at a grocery store. She went from picking up shopping carts and bagging groceries to supervisor within three years.

She planned on opening a small carnicería, a butcher shop, in Texas or Arizona, but a friend urged her to go to Salt Lake City instead. She arrived in the city in January 2006. The snow-covered mountains were a huge contrast from the deserts she had lived in all her life, but she fell in love.
“I called my mom on the freeway and said, ‘Mom, prepare the luggage, we’re moving,'” she said. “‘Salt Lake City is the place.'”

With a $170,000 loan from two friends, Madrigal opened the first Rancho Markets location at 190 E. 3300 South in South Salt Lake in June 2006. She drew the plans for the store herself with a pen and ruler while at City Hall.

Line drawing of a broccoli headLine drawing of an eggplant